Given name as Nuraini Rahma Hanifa, I am called either Rahma or Hanifa.

Born in Bandung in 1981, then travel to Nantes, France, from 1986-1992 where my father persue his master and PhD. Attending my father PhD defense in 1991 leave a deep impression, and I decided to get myself educated until the highest level (…)

I return to Indonesia in end of February 1992 after joining a ski school in the Alpines for 2 weeks. I stayed 6 months in Kuningan, then to Bandung until Master. Unable to speak Indonesian (though my parents always speak Indonesia), I re-take the 5th grade, and took extra hour to study Indonesian language. I realize later it brings me to have a wonderful multicultural experience, with big support for the transition.

I went to  Geodetic Engineering Department of Institut Teknologi Bandung, Indonesia, both for Bachelor (2004) and Master (2007). During period of Master, I joined the Nagoya University Program for Academic Exchange (NUPACE), together with 60 students from all over the world. I am now finishing my PhD in Research Center for Seismology, Volcanology, and Disaster Mitagation, Department of Earth and Environmental Science, Graduate School of Environmental Studies, Nagoya University, Japan.

I am interested in the hazard mitigation prevention, and now is researching about the geodynamic in Java based on Geodetic and Seismological data.

I am married to a geodesist, Endra Gunawan in 2003, 3 August, and now have 2 children, Anjainah Zahra Syakira,  born in 2004, 30 Octobre, and Akira Falaq Asykur, born in 2007, 30 December. My personal storied of adventure with the kids are written in (in moving process to

My childhood experience motivated my to get involve in the Bhinneka Indonesia Children School which is run under the Indonesia Student Association. Bhinneka is a group of Indonesian children in Nagoya city and around to learn Indonesia language and culture every Saturday from 15.00 to 17.00. All teachers are volunteer from the Indonesia`s students and parents and other.

4 Responses to “Me”

  1. mutiaragung Says:

    Maak…baru tau ada blog rahma di wordpress.. hehe.. miss you

  2. bangirfan Says:

    Bangga saya punya teman Rahma. Pinter, supel, setia kawan dan menyenangkan. Ada energi positif disekitar Rahma yang membuat kita juga ikut pusaran arus positif.
    Selamat berkarir akademik Rahma. Sukses selalu ya..

  3. madeandi Says:

    pkbr rahma? 🙂
    Saya mau ke Jepun April nanti…sampai ketemu ya 🙂

  4. fety Says:

    mbak rahma, selamat siang 🙂
    berkunjung siang-siang.

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